Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Deke McClelland 's 101 photoshop tips

One of the benefits of having a platform on the web is you can park things you want to use! I want to get better at photoshop.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Embedding Google maps

View Larger Map

Classroom idea Here is a little idea that could add interest- embed a Google Map in your wiki of project instructions. If you are studying Chinua Achebe maybe a simple Google map of Nigeria with satellite image . Just look for "link to page" in top right corner of Google maps. Thanks to Joyce Valenza for this idea. Here I show two Butte Montana institutions - Pork Chop John Sandwhich Shops. Don't leave Butte without trying them! The one marked A is more authentic!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Glogster is a web tool that lets you create a bulletin board style web poster. This tool lets you embed videos and sound.

Here is one work in progress
Classroom idea: This would be an option for almost any poster project. I like the idea of picking and choosing the right images and text to convey a message.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Zoho Notebook

Zoho Notebook

Lots of possibilities here for online notetaking, but I like this idea from Digital Inspiration.

Classroom Idea - Create a pathfinder with notes for a class project.

Have students display note taking skills, or use this to have them justify their online source choices.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I have a fascination with word clouds
Here is another tool for creating them

Classroom idea:
1.Examine well known literature visually

2. Have students enter two newspaper articles on same subject and contrast and compare.

3. Language learners might see patterns in word use.