Monday, February 15, 2010

Memorize Now

I see so many students using flashcards to memorize. While reading Demo Girl , I came across an online flashcard maker I like, as it adds a little extra memorization tool. It deletes words from phrase to allow gradual a few clues, but still lets students think and memorize. It also has a first letter tool that just shows the first letter of the words to be memorized. I thought this would be useful for all those mnemonics people use to remember

Classroom idea:
Have students enter the words, phrases concepts and start memorizing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Going with Geography

Richard Byrne at Free Technology for Teachers is a great blog to read. I get so many ideas and inspirations from his posts. He wrote about Geo Coded Art recently. I liked this tool for showing landscape paintings and the actual inspiration for them via Google maps
Classroom ideas:
1)A class studying a country could use this gathering of art and geography to personalize the study.

2) Create your own class database of Geo-coded studies. Chemistry classes doing element study could Geo-code the elements.