Wednesday, May 23, 2012


lets you create animated movies to tell your story
Here is one I did.
Pocahontas and Queen Elizabeth Discuss Website Evaluation
by: joantracy
Classroom Idea; Have your students use this tool to create animations that demonstrate their knowledge on a subject.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Google Search Education
Lesson Plans to help students become better searches.

Classroom idea:  Could these lessons be fit into any research project?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Present me

Present me  lets you upload a slide deck and record yourself presenting these slides by video or just audio.   The fee account lets you do 3 15 minute presentations a month.

Classroom idea:
  1.  Gives student the opportunity to hone their presentation skills. 
  2. Reward the best of classroom presentations by allowing students to record their presentation and present it online on your Moodle..